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Myofascial Release

A form of bodywork whereby the approach and techniques specifically target the bodies fascial web.

1 h 30 min
75 British pounds

Service Description

Myofascial release (MFR) is an advanced form of bodywork whereby the approach and techniques involved specifically target the fascial web of the body. Fascia is the fibrous, soft tissue component of the connective tissue system and has been described as a three dimensional body stocking that envelops each and every structure of the body. In the normal hydrated healthy state, fascia has the ability to move without restriction. However it is very common to develop fascial restrictions due to factors such as postural imbalances, accidents, emotional trauma or repetitive strain issues. Because fascia is entirely continuous throughout the body, a restriction in one part will affect every other part. Myofascial techniques are referred to as 'direct' and 'indirect'. Direct MFR – The therapist uses direct fascial techniques when they have a clear concept of where they want the tissues to go to produce a certain affect. Direct MFR involves deep work with fists, knuckles and elbows, to work fascial layers, directly releasing adhesions and restrictions. The techniques themselves have been developed and popularized by several leading international bodyworkers in methods such as Rolfing and Structural Integration, which have added new insights on how to realign and balance the structures of the body. Indirect MFR – This is the term applied to releases in which the practitioner follows the direction of ease in the clients tissues rather than working directly with the restriction first. In this approach, the fascia is put on a stretch or given slight pressure to initiate a response in the tissues. The therapist then uses a 'listening touch', holding and following the direction of ease in the tissues for a more gentle release. Some indirect techniques include; cross-hand stretches, dural tube release, transverse fascial plane releases, arm and leg pulls, psoas releases and scar tissue work. Myofascial Release is the very latest in bodywork techniques and is increasingly being recognized in the medical world as a highly effective way of treating muscular skeletal conditions. Each MFR session requires 90 minutes and will be tailored to your specific needs. This will involve a combination of techniques to balance the legs, pelvis, torso and rib cage, head and neck

Contact Details

  • 4 Munro Avenue, Yealmpton, Plymouth, UK


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